Ongar Millennium History Society

Ongar Millennium History Society
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Short Business Description
Ongar Millennium History Society (OMHS) was formed from a history project in 2000 to raise public awareness of the history of our ancient market town.
Long Business Description

Ongar Millennium History Society (OMHS) was formed from a history project in 2000 to raise public awareness of the history of our ancient market town. Since then the society has undertaken research, published the well-received book ‘Aspects of the History of Ongar‘ and established a short Town Walk following paving stones markers.

We’ve printed booklets, sewn historical altar kneelers for St Martin’s Church, archived historical photographs, books, maps and artefacts. In April 2024 the society opened a small museum inside Budworth Hall, with an illustrated timeline showing a series of key historical events in the town.

We continue to encourage others to use their interests and skills to keep Ongar’s history alive for future generations.

There is a wealth of information available in our newsletters on our website

Ongar Millennium History Society has a varied programme with a mixture of talks, discussions, exhibitions and visits.

At our lectures we have had speakers from the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings, Professor Clive Bloom on the history of rioting in London, The Whitechapel Society on Jack the Ripper, Professor Dilwyn Porter on the first London Olympics and Jane Parker on Ghostsigns along with local speakers discussing research on the history of our town.

If you are interested in local history, why don’t you join us? The annual fee is currently £16 for a single membership or £30 for a couple.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
07769 683984
Business Address
205 High St, Chipping Ongar, Ongar
ZIP Code

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