1st Ongar Brownies

1st Ongar Brownies
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Short Business Description
All girls aged 7-10 are welcome to join 1st Ongar Brownies.
Long Business Description

Girlguiding is the UK’s largest youth organisation dedicated completely to girls, we’re working to shape an equal world where all girls can be happy, safe and fulfil their potential.

Your child will have fun, trying new things – enjoying time with friends, encouraged by our inspiring volunteers. She can be free from the many pressures girls face in today’s world: everyday sexism, online pressures and social anxieties.

Your child has the chance to take part in new activities, play games and earn badges, all while being supported by our trained volunteers who give up their time for free

During meetings we play games, learn new things, make things and more.

To join us visit: Register a child | Girlguiding then select 1st Ongar Brownies

All girls aged 7-10 are welcome to join us.

Contact: Deborah Moppett

Sessions: 1st Ongar Brownies meet on Wednesday evenings during term time.

Location: To be disclosed on application

Cost: Subscriptions cost £45 a term.

Business Phone Number
07889 653 421
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