1st Ongar and Fyfield Guides

1st Ongar and Fyfield Guides
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Short Business Description
1st Ongar and Fyfield Guides meet on Wednesday evenings during term time.
Long Business Description

1st Ongar and Fyfield Guides want to see an equal world where all girls feel happy, safe and can enjoy fulfilling lives. So, we encourage them to think big and be bold – each in her own way. We help her know she can do anything.

Girlguiding is the largest youth organisation dedicated completely to girls. We’re her first night away, weekend camping adventures, summer music festivals, emails to her MP about the things she cares and worries about.

Guides is a place where girls explore the things they love and do stuff they’ve never done before. Where else can girls think up a new sport, make a new perfume, cook over a campfire, design an advertising campaign, have a mocktail party or raise money for a charity she believes in? At Guides, she can do all of this and loads more. Guides is a relaxed, welcoming space where she can have fun, learn and be herself with good friends from 10 to 14 years old.

To join visit: Register a child | https://www.girlguiding.org.uk/information-for-parents/register-a-child/ Then select 1st Ongar and Fyfield Guides

Ages: All girls aged 10-14 are welcome to join us.

Phone: Deborah Moppett 07889 653 421

Sessions: 1st Ongar and Fyfield Guides meet on Wednesday evenings during term time.

Location: To be disclosed on application

Cost: Subscriptions cost £45 a term.

Business Phone Number
07889 653 421
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